U17 SUMMIT: Rules and format

More games, shorter games and more time on the field playing ultimate. That is what the format and rules aim to accomplish.

General rules:

We play according to the WFDF rules with the following exceptions:

  • All games to 15 points
  • Time Cap: 60 mins 
  • Half Time: 30 mins/8 pts. Half Time break is 3 mins.
  • After Time Cap: Continue and finish the next point. If a team has 15 points - the game is over. If not: Add 1 point to the highest score. This is now the new cap.
  • A new point starts directly after the previous score.
  • 45 sek between goals. Signals after 30 seconds, 40 seconds and 45 seconds.
  • 2 time outs/team/half on 2.minutes. (less coaching on the field, more decisions by the players)

Spirit Of The Game

Use the following link to report SOGT after each game:


Other important info

  • Surface All fields turf
  • Medics: There is a physio present all days. Properly equipped medic bags are available at the tournament HQ.
  • Tournament technical group: Please contact Karin Sundström for questions regarding technical aspects of the Summit (such as scheduling, rules, SOGT, format, etc.) Karin is present all days and cam be contacted on mobile

IMPORTANT: Shared duties for all - score keepers and camera operators

The U17 SUMMIT is a low cost pop up event allowing for as many player as possible to participate. In order to cut costs, we all need to be prepared to help out with some  duties. 

The most important shared duty is score keeping and operating the camera for the live streaming.. 

If there are no staff members present when a game is to start, it is the responsibility of the winning team of the previous game to keep score and operate the camera. If you win, you stay and keep score.

Two persons are required, and information is at hand by the fields.

Live Streaming 

All 88 games of the Summit are planned to be live streamed – given the technology allows for it.This remains to find out Monday morning.

Games can be found at:


There is a pay wall to watch the live streams. The cost is €3 per game, €9 for all games at the U17 SUMMIT or €25 for a subscription to the Ulticast channel the whole 2023..

Half of the revenue goes to the organizers. That income allows for us to keep the U17 Summit a low costs tourney. 

All teams will also have the possibility to download all of their games free of charge after the Summit.  

The quality and setup is a one camera (HD, mobile) on tripod without editing or commentary. If the network is slow, lower resolution, buffering or stop of streaming may occur.

Results Reporting

Parents and supporters back home can follow your team back home with live result reporting from all games. Just click on the current game and follow the fun in real time.
