EUCR X Malmö: Player briefing

Warm welcome to the EUCR X North + Central in Malmö and Stadionområdet on August 26-27, 2023.

In this player briefing you find most of the information you need - specific tournament rules and format included. 

Malmö Stadion with Field 1 and tournament HQ

Contact information

TD: Mattias Ahlgren
Phone: +46-725-108016 or +46-722-077626

Schedule and maps

Public schedule and maps to all venues are found at this link .

The venues

Malmö Stadionområdet in central Malmö is the hub for EUCR X with Malmö Stadion and Plan 7 used both days, and Kroksbäck IP Sunday morning. Good Morning Hotel is placed between Malmö Stadion and Plan 7

Malmö Stadion (FIELD 1) is a 20,000+ seater stadium from 1958 with natural grass surface. WC and. Lunch is served here both days.
Address: Eric Perssons väg 11 (Google Maps)

Plan 7 (FIELD 2) is a high quality natural grass pitch. No WC or water availiable (Baltiska Hallen with WC is 200 m from Plan 7).
Address: Stadiongatan 43 (Google Maps)

Kroksbäcks IP (FIELD 3 & 4) is used Sunday morning. Two fields, natural grass and turf. WC, dressing room and tap water on site.
Address: Ärtholmsvägen 100 (Google Maps)

Good Morning Hotel is the player hotel closest to Stadionområdet. Here is where both Friday and Saturday dinner is served.
Address: Stadiongaten 21 (Google Maps)

Stadionområdet, Kroksbäcks IP and overview of all EUCR X venues.

WC, showers and water

Malmö Stadion, Baltiska Hallen and Kroksbäck have WC, changing rooms and tap water.


Lunch is available at the tournament HQ in Malmö Stadion from 11:30 Saturday and Sunday

Dinner (all you can eat buffet) is available at Good Morning Hotel from 20:00 to 21:30 Friday and Saturday 

Live streaming and results reporting  

Live Streaming of all games, all fields and all teams on Ulticasts Live Streaming Page . Please note: There is a paywall. We buy the technology to be able to live stream all games. 

All participating teams will be offered to download their games free of charge after EUCR X.

Live Results from all games is free of charge on Ulticasts Result Reporting Page

The official schedule is provided by EUF on  

Medical staff and physio

No Red Cross personnel or physio is present at EUCF X.

If an injury will occur and if needed, medically trained staff will asses the injury. Decision is then made on next step, where transportation to an emergency room is one option.

Skåne University Hospital is 5 minutes by car from Malmö Stadion.
Address: Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 9 (Google Maps)

Emergency care is free of charge for all residents living in an EU country.

Tournament rules and format

Here is a summary of the EUCR X Malmö rules and format. The complete document has been sent to the team admins.

1: Check-in procedure

  • Check in at the field you are to play at least 5’ minutes before your game is due to start.
  • Teams are requested to have a Spirit circle 5 minutes before the game.
  • The scorekeeper will blow the whistle 5 minutes before the game, calling the begin of the Spirit circle. The scorekeeper will blow the whistle 3 minutes after the beginning of the Spirit circle to signal that the game will start in 2 minutes.  Game will be delayed if the pre-game Spirit circle doesn't start on time.

2: Game time, hard cap, halftime cap procedure

  • Point cap is 15. 
  • Time cap is 70 minutes. 
  • When time is over, first finish the current point. If then no team has reached 15 points, 1 point is added to the highest score and this will be the new point limit, hard cap. 
  • Halftime occurs after one team reaches 8 goals. 
  • If no team has reached 8 goals after 35 minutes, play continues until completion of the current point. 
  • If neither team has reached 8 goals, then 1 point is added to determine the new halftime target, halftime cap.
  • There is no halftime, just switch sides, included in the 70 minutes.

3: Timeouts

  • Each team has 1 time outs per half to be taken at any time.
  • After 1 min 30 seconds the scorekeeper blows the whistle once and calls "30 seconds left“.
  • After 1 min 45 seconds the scorekeeper blows the whistle once and calls "15 seconds left“.
  • At the end of 2 minutes the scorekeeper blows the whistle once and calls "Time-out over“. The offence sets up and stops moving within 15 seconds.
  • At 2 minutes 15 seconds the scorekeeper blows the whistle once and calls "Start play“. The defense now has 15 seconds to set up after the offence has stopped moving.

4: Mixed Ratio Rule A

  • EUCR 2023 is played with the Ratio Rule A (article A6.2.) for games in the Mixed division, so the “prescribed ratio” rule: 
  • At the start of the game, after the first disc flip, an additional disc flip happens with the winner selecting the personnel ratio for the first point. 
  • For the second and third points the ratio must be the reverse of the first point. For the fourth and fifth points the ratio must be the same as the first point. 
  • This pattern of alternating the ratio every two points repeats until the end of the game (half time has no impact on the pattern).
  • Additionally EUCR 2023 makes use of the “prescribed pull” rule A6.2.2:

5: Field procedures

We have made plans for scorekeepers at every field. However, if there are are no scorekeepers present, please be sure to score on your own and make sure that you report the score at the end of the game

6: Time limits between points

A point starts when the previous goal is scored and acknowledged by the defending team. 

To indicate the time limits the scorekeeper will use the following signals:

  • 1 whistle at 45 seconds = a 15 seconds warning for the offense, the receiving team.
  • 2 whistles at 60 seconds = a 15 seconds warning for the defense, the pulling team.
  • 3 whistles at 75 seconds = play must start immediately.
  • If both teams are ready at any time before the final signal is given, then play can restart and all remaining scorekeeper signals are dispensed with.
  • If the receiving team is not ready after 60 seconds = didn’t raise a hand, the opposing team may assess a time-out against them, but only a second time. The opposing team first has to warn them when it has happened.
  • If the pulling team is not ready after 75 seconds = didn’t raise the disc, the opposing team may assess a time-out against them, but only a second time. The opposing team first has to warn them when it has happened.
  • If a team wishes to assess such a time violation, they will call ”Violation“. The scorekeeper then starts the stopwatch for a time-out for the team, which was not ready on time.
  • In the mixed division it is encouraged that players show the hand signal of their own gender - so that opponents don’t have to assume a gender while matching up against them.

7: Disputes (indication for scorekeepers)

If players start to dispute, the scorekeeper starts the stopwatch.

  • After 15 seconds the scorekeeper blows the whistle once and calls “15 seconds“. Then the team captains should step in.
  • After 45 seconds the scorekeeper blows the whistle once and calls “45 seconds“. If the call is not resolved within those 45 seconds, the call will be considered contested.
  • Then the players involved should let the issue rest and continue playing as soon as possible, so the disc should be returned to the last non-disputed thrower.
  • After 60 seconds the scorekeeper blows the whistle again and play should resume immediately.
  • Every 15 seconds that the discussion still continues, the scorekeeper should blow the whistle again.

8: Check-out procedure

Before both teams enter the regular after-game Spirit circle, we encourage teams to first conduct a short circle with only their own team, where all players can discuss which topics should be touched in the Spirit circle. This own circle shouldn’t take more than 3 minutes.

Then both teams gather for the regular after-game Spirit circle, which they end with high fives to salute their opponents. The winning team goes on the inside of the circle.

After the Spirit circle the captains should agree on the score and report it to TOC.

9: Tournament Formats

  • Mixed, 2 Pools of 4
  • Saturday: Round Robin
  • Sunday: Bracket 1-8 (Quarters - Semis - Finals)

10: Spirit of the Game

Spirit of the Game is very important to the TOC and the EUF. We will do everything possible to make this event a high level tournament, while always holding SotG as the highest rule. 

Team captains are responsible for the behavior of their teams and are asked to remember this during the tournament. We all need to help prevent rude and ruthless behavior or even violent play. Any display of it will not be accepted

Every ultimate player is responsible for the Spirit of the Game. The team captains and the Spirit captains have the duty to guide the team not only as  sports coaches, but also in cases of Spirit related issues, such as disagreements, or bad feelings on and off the field. Please be aware that sometimes the team captains need to step in when their team members do not behave within the guidelines of Spirit of the Game.

After every game your team is supposed to gather shortly to discuss and score the Spirit of the Game during that game with the WFDF SotG Scoring System. The objectives of the WFDF SotG Scoring System are:

  • to educate players on what Spirit of the Game is.
  • to help teams improve specific parts of their Spirit.
  • and to celebrate the Spirit of the Game by awarding a prize to the team that gets the highest score.

11: Guidelines for Spirit scores

The baseline in each category is “Good” which equals 2 points.For each game, for each category, determine if the other team was better than, worse than, or the same as just a regular game and score accordingly.

Focus on each question and answer that question only. Do not start with an overall score in mind and work backwards to get that score. Give a real score that reflects the items detailed on the sheet. There might be many times that nothing out of the ordinary occurred at a game. As such, each category should get 2 points.

  • A final score of 10 points is considered normal, good Spirit.
  • Do not give a team a higher score because they made funny remarks in the Spirit circle.
  • Do not give a team a higher score because they did a nice game after the Spirit circle.
  • Do not give lower Spirit scores out of retaliation or prejudice.

12: Weather Procedures

In the event of adverse weather conditions, certain precautions will be taken to prioritise safety of all participants. All teams are required to follow these procedures.